
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

See heavy machinery up close at Touch-A-Truck event on Sept. 7

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See heavy machinery up close at Touch-A-Truck event on Sept. 7

Does your child have a love for trucks and large vehicles? Then check out Pierce County's annual Touch-A-Truck event. The fun takes place on Saturday, Sept. 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sprinker Recreation Center, 14824 South C Street. A special “no horns” time is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. for sensory-sensitive children.

Kids of all ages will love to climb, run around, sit in and even honk horns of many types of trucks and vehicles. They can explore a fire engine, dump trucks, command center, bucket truck, striper, tractor, military vehicles, school buses and many more. New solid waste and LeMay vehicles, including a mobile shredder unit, have been added to the lineup.

Children must be accompanied by an adult. Also, bring your personal documents to be shredded for free. Food donation bins will also be set up to accept canned food items for the food bank.

Big Truck T-shirts will be on sale for $8 the day of the event. Don't miss your chance to buy one.

For more information, please call Parks and Recreation at (253) 798-4141.

Andrea Clay, Parks and Recreation

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why the AIA Board Needs You!

by Belen Schneider

Though January seems a long way off, our deadline to gather board candidates is looming. Our organization is at a critical time in it’s evolution, and now - more than ever - AIA needs your support.

In recent years, interest in some AIA offerings has waned, and the organization as a whole has drifted a long way from it’s roots as a “homeowners association.” In re-examining the ByLaws, the Board is also making an effort to hone in on the areas where we bring the maximum benefit to the community, and rethink how we support those events. It’s an exciting time, with fresh ideas brewing for how to take the activities you love and improve them in many ways!

While the details aren’t final yet - and will be shared in their entirety in the November Sounder, following Board approval - I CAN share this little preview, our new Mission Statement:

The Anderson Island Association’s mission is to encourage the “Good Neighbor” spirit of Anderson Island and foster a broad sense of community by sharing community news, sponsoring events, and providing civic-minded community support.

To make this vision true, we will be looking at every aspect of our organization and structure. I am reaching out to our membership and asking each of you to consider supporting AIA in a more active way. We will need:
  • New Board Members who have energy to be a part of crafting & executing the upcoming changes
  • Event Committee Chairs to take bite-sized responsibility for coordinating the events you love, like the Ice Cream Social, Starlighting, Island Clean-ups, and more
  • Sounder Reporters and Moderators to contribute to the newsletter, blog, and other island communication efforts

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a board member or contributing actively to our efforts, please reach out to any of the current AIA board...we’d love for you to become part of our future!

AIA Seeks New Sounder Editor

by Belen Schneider

Yes, it’s true...our fearless editor is ready to step down and focus on new things. I’m sure all of you join me in expressing to John Mollan our heart-felt appreciation for his dedication, talent, humor, and tireless work bringing us the island news every month. John’s last Sounder publication will be the November Sounder.

In the meantime, we are now asking you - the readership who love this newsletter - to help us find our new Editor by September 30. The Editor’s role is undergoing a bit of re-definition in our ongoing organizational review, which includes a plan to bring in more volunteer reporters to share the island’s breadth of news. The Editor role would continue to focus on editing, laying out, and publishing a newsletter for printing by our Production Maestro, so the ideal candidate is savvy with technology, writing, and managing deadlines, as well as helping us build a stronger communication function.

If you or someone you know wants more information, feel free to contact John ( for the skinny on what the Editor does, or Belen ( for more information about the Editor’s role in AIA and the board.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Partial walking trail closure on Chambers Creek Road

Partial walking trail closure on Chambers Creek Road

A portion of the East Slope Walking Trail located near the north entrance of the Chambers Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in University Place will close Aug. 7-15 so crews can install water and electrical utilities as part of the ongoing expansion of the plant.
The portion of trail that will close runs parallel to the Chambers Creek Road West. Wooden barricades with “Trail Closed Ahead” signs will be placed at each end of the closed portion of the trail.
The $353 million plant expansion will increase sewer capacity, enable Pierce County to repair and replace aging infrastructure, and introduce new technologies that help protect the environment. The expansion is expected to be completed in fall 2016.
More information about the expansion can be found at

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Countywide Stage 1 burn ban effective July 29

July 29, 2013

Countywide Stage 1 burn ban effective July 29

Due to the continuing hot and dry weather, Pierce County Fire Marshal Warner Webb announced that a Phase One burn ban was implemented at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, July 29.

All burning permits are suspended and outdoor burning is prohibited, except for small recreational fires less than three feet in diameter, fires in barbecues and cooking appliances, outdoor fireplaces and campfires in approved fire pits and locations at established campgrounds.

Persons with approved Department of Natural Resources burn permits are advised to call 800-323-BURN (2876).

For additional information or instructions, please contact your local fire department or the Pierce County Fire Marshal's office at (253) 798-7179.

Hunter George, Pierce County Communications director