
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Editor an Blogmaster needed

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Since founding the Anderson Islanders Facebook group five years ago, I have been amazed how the site has grown from a few dozen members to over one thousand.
You may be aware that Donna and I are moving to the other side of Nisqually Reach. Do not assume that we will not keep up with activities on Anderson Island. After all, we still own a house (for sale) and several lots. Nevertheless, we thought it was time to turn over the administration of the Anderson Islanders group to an island resident.
You may realize that I have been serving over the past five years as the editor of the Island Sounder, the only monthly newsletter on Anderson Island. The Anderson Island Association is now seeking a volunteer to serve as editor of the Sounder.
If serving as editor of the Sounder sounds like something that you would like to do, drop a note to .
Keep in touch.
John Mollan

1 comment:

  1. John Mollan, you will be missed! Your column was the one that I always looked forward to reading each time The Sounder arrived. Now we are finally moving to the Island (our dream for 7 years) and you are leaving. Aw, so sad but happy for you and Donna. I really hope that someone steps up to carry on your writing legacy. I have really enjoyed your perspective on the Island.
    Carol Friedrichs
